``Working to keep the roads and trails open for all...``
IDAHO STATE ATV ASSOCIATION, INC. Working to keep the roads and trails open for all is the over-riding goal of the Idaho State ATV Association (ISATVA). The association was created to fill a need for ATV users in Idaho to have a unified voice speaking for all ATV users. The association was a result of the 2009 merger of the Idaho ATV Association and the Gem State ATV Association. With the merger of these two organizations, Idaho now has an organization representing all of Idaho. At the present time, there are 23 organizations from all areas of Idaho who are members of ISATVA.
The mission of the ISATVA is to focus on six primary areas; Participation, Education, Land Management, Lobbying, Cooperation, and Advancement Working to keep the roads and trails open for all is the over-riding goal of the Idaho State ATV Association. The association was created to fill a need for ATV users in Idaho to have a unified voice speaking for all ATV users.
Our Officers

Steve Huffman
VP – Gov. Affairs